Feudal Wings – Chapter 3

Feudal Wings – Chapter 3

CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of murder and genocide, coercion

Talons clicking against the marble flooring of the palace, Tomten navigated his way through the columns and corridors with a practiced sort of grace, one developed by the time he’d spent serving the queen and likewise the kingdom. Like well-worn migration patterns, the flooring felt familiar under his talons – almost comforting in the face of the dark clouds of emotion that often hung around the palace, namely in the form of stress. Today’s tension was so palpable that it may as well have been a storm.

Redwoods – Chapter 1

Redwoods – Chapter 1

Teaching Ravenpaw to hunt turned out to be far more difficult than Chirpbreeze ever could’ve imagined. The black blur through the trees did not appear to understand “slow down” or “stop.” It was like chasing shadows blown about in the wind. She envied how easily Mew cruised along just a tail length or so above her, feathers brushing lightly against the ferns that covered the ground. “Ravenpaw! Ravenpaw!” Stars above, if that kid had a hunting accident like she’d had…

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Goodbye Summer – Cinnaverse Short Story

Goodbye Summer – Cinnaverse Short Story

The lake had turned a much colder temperature than Peggy considered swimmable, so here she was with her girlfriend sitting in a kiddie pool with several cans of soda and miscellaneous other snacks, pretending that they were able to actually throw a pool party. It must’ve been a strange sight; two grown women sitting in a comically small pool with their knees pulled up to their chests, like something out of a cartoon. “I’m not ready for summer to be…

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From The Mouth Of An Injured Head – a reflection on recovering from abuse

From The Mouth Of An Injured Head – a reflection on recovering from abuse

Some wounds, like mine, run much, much deeper than sometimes one might expect. My injured head does not bleed, but it struggles now to rebuild its world after unwittingly watching it burn for so long. Nobody knows quite when the fire started, but now that it’s finished in a searing blaze of glory, regrowing the scorched trees seems nigh impossible. Such is the nature of waking up from the remnants of an abusive relationship. The aching dawn opens my eyes…

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Feudal Wings – Chapter 1

Feudal Wings – Chapter 1

Pink talons flicked over and over against the jingling bells on Marmoset’s hat. To their left hunched the ruddy brown form of Redwood, all scented like cedar candles and fresh morning dew. On their right side was Lightningbug, slender claws tinkering with an old dragonets’ toy and a screwdriver. Just about everyone in the room was palpably nervous, some fidgeting like the wings of little flies while others sat frozen in still, uncomfortable silence like pillars of ice. The tense…

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Feudal Wings – Prologue

Feudal Wings – Prologue

Frigid air smacked itself against Angel Trumpet’s face, chilling through his scales to his very heart. Tears of stress froze in place along his cheeks, salty water stopped in time. If only it could slow his heart down, too. Though his mouth was less of a cave and more of a desert, he still forced out the words. “Vesi, I have bad news.” The IceWing raised her head from the pillow she’d been resting it on a moment ago and…

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Constellations Over Us – Book 1 – Chapter 4

Constellations Over Us – Book 1 – Chapter 4

Aisling thought her brother was an idiot. An idiot she cared for very much, but an idiot nonetheless. Perhaps that was why she was so concerned when he started spending excessive amounts of time in the woods. He’d never been so obsessed with finishing meals quickly and dashing outside before, not even when they were both trying out weapons for the first time under the watchful eyes of their family. That fool was going to get eaten in the woods,…

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